The Renewal of the Mind

Apostle Paul in writing to the Romans, provided a paradigm-shifting prose on the power of the human mind in Romans 12:2. I love the NLT translation of this verse. “Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2 NLT)

The process by which God changes us into a new individual can clearly be understood as a result of our mind undergoing a transformation. It is the human mind that holds great importance in the beautiful qualities bestowed upon us by God. It serves as the most influential force on Earth. 

The phrase “but let God” further emphasises that the transformation of our mind is a journey that requires us to surrender to the power of God. To become a new person, we must allow God to work through the transformation of our mind as the primary instrument.

Do you know what is a constant in this wild world of ours? Change! It’s happening all around and to us, every second of every day. Think about it, nearly 8 billion people on this planet, and we all have one thing in common – we’re dealing with change all the time! Life is like a never-ending conveyor belt, always moving us forward. Nothing ever stays the same, you know? Change just rolls in like a tide, whether we’re ready for it or not.

Knowing that change is constant is a good start. However, what really counts is how we deal with those changes, no matter where it is coming from. It’s what sets the tone for whether these changes are going to have a positive or negative impact. Remember that not everyone is a master at handling change in a successful or constructive way. 

Now, Apostle Paul here says that to make things change for the better, we need the help of an external force; Yes, God, through the Holy Spirit needs to join in on this whole transformation process. But don’t just sit there, we’ve got some skin in the game too! We’ve got our parts to play in making things fall into place. Our heart must yield!

Proverbs 4:23 says we should “guard our heart with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life”. This scripture implies that whatever we allow to enter our hearts, if not examined and evaluated properly, will undoubtedly be expressed in our lives and our actions – in positive or negative ways.

Proverbs 23:7 also says that “as a man thinks, so he is”! Just imagine that!!!!

We are the sum total of all our thoughts.

If your life isn’t going in the direction you want it to go, you definitely must check your heart and the thoughts that proceed from it!

So, want to achieve that goal you’ve been eyeing? Change yourself first. It’s as simple as changing how you think, talk and behave. “People pull in not what they want, but what they embody.” In short, you have to be what you want to attract. Want good folks in your life? Well, you have to be good first. Are you trying to find godly individuals? That means you have to be godly too. Looking for loyal friends? You need to be just as trustworthy. And instead of wasting time chipping away at others, try focusing on improving yourself. You have the power to fix yourself!

I pray for the renewing of your mind by the infilling of the Holy Spirit so that you can accomplish that which God has placed upon you! Amen.



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